Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Workout 1, April 2

Day 1:  Upper Body-Press

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

All ring work done on rings with ~4 meter long straps

0a     Ring reverse fly                              5, 5, 5
-5, 5, 5
-these were really tough, hard to just not do a ring row

0b     Shoulder Mobility Series               5min, 3min, 2min
               : Scap Mob w/lacross ball
               : Pec Mob w/lacross ball
               : First rib compression
               : Shoulder mob w/band
-felt good

0c     Ring Fly                                       10, 10, 10
-10 (maybe made to 45 degree angle) , 6+4 (switched to supporting on outside of rings, let me go to full depth but tore the shit out of my arms), 10

0d     Hanging Bow                                15s, 10s, 10s (not sure what these were so just held the bottom of skin the cat)


1a     Foot elevated ring fly              10, 10, 10, 8, 6
 6+3, 3+2+2+2(f), 3+2+2+2, 2+2+1, 1+1+0
- These totally savaged me. First rounds done with support on outside of rings

1b     Plate Hold                                45s, 45s, 45s, 30s, 30s
- 45s, 25+20s, 20+15+5s, 30s, 20+10s
- Used a ~5 kg 2x4 with a metal backing. These were brutal, really liked them though

1c     Front facing ring dip                 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8
- 5+1, 4+2, 3+2, 2+2, 2+1
- Not much left in the tank. Much harder on the longer set of rings

**Note: Had to break up the workout at this point. Was completely destroyed (probably would have been down to singles of HSPU) and I was already late for my meeting. Came back at 5:00 pm at night to finish the workout.

2a     HSPU against wall                        12, 10, 8
- 8+4, 4+2+2, 2+2+1
- Felt surprisingly stronger than usual at these. Was happy with first round, but pretty steep drop-off as usual with the HSPU. All reps done at a moderate tempo, no crossfit "bounce" at the bottom. Came down before I would start to arch lower back.   
2b     One arm Push-ups                   5, 5, 5
- 5, 5, 5 (on each arm. Alternate starting arm)
-These were tough. Tried 1 arm with no support, but total fail. Ended up using putting my non-pushing hand on a medball and tried to push as little as possible with it.

3a     Regular Push-ups                    max, max, max
- 13, 9, 8
- Elbows at side and chest to deck, pause at bottom. Ya, I suck huge balls at push ups

3b     Bar dips                                   max, max, max
- 11, 9, 7
- Man was I smoked. Normally I would expect to be able to do at least 30 when fresh.

Cool Down:
4a     Hanging Bow                    30s, 30s, 30s

Ya, just did held the bottom of skin the cat on a chin up bar, felt good. Opened up chest and shoulders.

4b     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Twist, Wall Walk, Triceps
-Not sure what to do yet for these, so just did my best for some random stretches in these areas.

-Wow. Huge slice of humble pie. Feel like I was pretty much horrible at everything. I like that. I have a lot to work towards. Also, not used to this amount of volume.
-Really sore the next day (mostly in the chest and shoulders). Slept like at baby 9.5 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Ring Reverse Fly:
    Play with the angle you are at by walking further and closer to the rings before leaning back. Find an angle you can pull up and keep the arms relatively straight.

    Hanging Bow:
    I like the skin the cat. Let make this two fold, do your skin the cat, and then do the reps/time required for holding the position I spotted you in on straps. Much like an 'unhollow' lever, just make sure to take a wide grip on the bar.

    Check out the stretching video I have online... that should clear up some of the confusion as to what what is.
