Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 1: Upper Body-Press (2)

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

All ring work done on rings with ~4 meter long straps

0a     Ring reverse fly                              5, 5, 5
-5, 3+1+f, 4+f
-Finally figured out how to do these, which was exciting. On the second set I tried using a false grip, which worked wonders, was actually able to get to full extension. Ring height was at shoulders and feet directly underneath the rings.

0b     Shoulder Mobility Series               5min, 4min, 4min
               : Scap Mob w/lacross ball
               : Pec Mob w/lacross ball
               : First rib compression
               : Shoulder mob w/band
-Spent a bit longer on these, felt like I needed it

0c     Ring Fly                                       10, 10,10
-10 (maybe made to 45 degree angle) , 6+4, 6+4

0d     Hanging Bow                                15s, 15s, 15s


1a     Foot elevated ring fly              10, 10, 10, 8, 6
 5+2+3, 4+3+3, 4+3+3, 2+2(f)+1(f), 1(f)+1(f)
- Boom these still suck, but they are awesome.

1b     Plate Hold                                45s, 45s, 45s, 30s, 30s
- 45s, 43, 44, 30, 30
- Used a ~10 kg 2x4 with a metal backing. Felt stronger at these this time

1c     Front facing ring dip                 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8
- 7, 6, 5, 4(f)+2, 3(f)+3

**Note:Again had to break this up into two. Did other half in the evening

2a     HSPU against wall                        12, 10, 8
- 8+4, 5+4, 3+2+1(f)
2b     One arm Push-ups                   5, 5, 5
- 5, 5, 5 (on each arm. Alternate starting arm)
- Same way as last time.

3a     Regular Push-ups                    max, max, max
- 14, 9, 8
- Elbows at side and chest to deck, pause at bottom. Ya, I suck huge balls at push ups

3b     Bar dips                                   max, max, max
- 10, 8, 7
- Done like dinner

Cool Down:
4a     Hanging Bow                    30s, 30s, 30s
-oops only did 15 sec

4b     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Twist, Wall Walk, Triceps

1 comment:

  1. In terms of the reverse ring flys, progress towards having your feet on a box and starting lying on your back directly below the rings.

    Ring flys. As you get better, and can go down all the way with straight arms... start by initiating the movement by moving the hands back further. Think more maltese.

    You definitely suck at pushups. It is why you have no chest.
