Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 4: Lower body strength

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     Samson Lunge [1-5-1]                   3, 3, 3
0b     Cossack w/weight                          5, 5, 5
-done with 8kg KB.
0c     Wall Squats      [2-3-2]                   10, 8, 6  
Did with wooden dowel
0d     Hip Mob.                                       20s, 30s, 30s            

1a     Dead-lift          10// 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-10x40 kg, 5x70kg, 5x75kg, 5x80kg, 5x85kg, 5x90kg
-A little bit less weight than last time. Lower back feeling a bit unstable...might have stretched at little too aggressively the last few sessions. Also right hamstring feels slightly tweaked.

1b     Bow Hang       10s…

2a     Lunge [1-3-1]                 12, 12, 12
-Done with 20 kg KBs in each hand.
2b     Lateral Lunge  [1-3-1]    12, 12, 12
-Done at 8 kg. Did Cossacks again, damn I love them

3a     Stretch:
Adductors, Calves, IT/Glutes, Glutes/QLs, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Quads   

Day 3: Upper body pull (2)

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     TGU                                             3, 3, 3
-3,3,3 done with 0.5 pood. Kept weight low as it was for warmup
0b     Snatch                                          3-8, 3-8, 3-8
-8x25 kg, 6x30, 6x30
-Getting a bit deeper in the hole

0c     Hanging Bow                               15s, 15s, 15s

0d     Wall Walk                                     3, 3, 3

*All of 1 and 2 done on 3 meter long rings
1a     Archer Pull                                   5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 5, 4+(f), 4, 4
-less swinging this time
1b     Weighted Pull-up                         5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 4+(f), 4, 3+1, 3+(f)
-used ~10-15 kg, felt a bit stronger on these
1c     Muscle up/lever eggbeater            3, 3, 3, 3, 3
-3, 3, 3, 2+(f), 2+f
-YAY! finally got these. False grip was the key, felt pretty awesome.

2a     One arm lock-off static                15s, 15s, 15s
*If you can not do one arm locks, then triple the time and do two arm holds.
- Did one arms this time, grabbing arm with other arm. (Note: tested later when fresh and could do 1 arm lock off without too much difficulty)
2b     Archer Press                               3, 3, 3
-1, 1, f
-Wow, these are impossible for me. I just start rotating like crazy.

3a     Wide Pull-up                              10, 10, 10, 10
-5, 5, 4+f, 3+f
3b     Behind the neck pull-up             3, 3, 3, 3
-3, 3, 3, 2+f

Cool Down:
4a     Band Mob. for shoulder               30s, 30s
- Oh man these felt good. Painful good.
4b     Bow rows                                     5, 5
- 5, 3
- Took this as doing pulls from hang to hanging bow. Focused on scap retraction as usual.

4c     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Triceps
-Found the stretching video on That helped a lot. God I love the pec stretch. I feel like my chest is being cracked open. Have been doing this all day when ever I get a chance.
-Another general workout of destruction. Took me 2 hours start to finish. Hopefully I will a get bit more proficient in the future so I can get the time down to 1.5 hours.

Day 2 (2)

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     Goblet Squat [2, 5, 1]                          5, 5, 5
0b     Leg Swing                                          10, 10, 10
0c     Overhead Wall Squats [2, 2, 2]           5, 5, 5
0d     Ball work on feet                                 30s, 20s, 20s

1a     Standing jump                    3-5, 5-7, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5, 5
1b     Long jump                         3-5, 5-7, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5, 5
1c     Box jump Rebound            3-5, 5-7. 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5,5
-Better at these this time

2a     Lateral Jump                      3-5, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 4,4
2b     Triple Jump                       3-5, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 4, 4
-Way better at these this time. Felt more coordinated
2c     One Leg Squat                  5, 5, 5
- 5, 5, 5
-One arm support

3a     PNF Hamstrings               30s, 30s
3b     PNF Standing Split          30s, 30s
3c     Row                                  500m>4:00min, 250m>1:00min
- 500m @ 2:09...Damper set at 10.
- 250m @ 0:57

4a     Stretch:
Calves, Glutes, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Quads, Adductors

Day 1: Upper Body-Press (2)

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

All ring work done on rings with ~4 meter long straps

0a     Ring reverse fly                              5, 5, 5
-5, 3+1+f, 4+f
-Finally figured out how to do these, which was exciting. On the second set I tried using a false grip, which worked wonders, was actually able to get to full extension. Ring height was at shoulders and feet directly underneath the rings.

0b     Shoulder Mobility Series               5min, 4min, 4min
               : Scap Mob w/lacross ball
               : Pec Mob w/lacross ball
               : First rib compression
               : Shoulder mob w/band
-Spent a bit longer on these, felt like I needed it

0c     Ring Fly                                       10, 10,10
-10 (maybe made to 45 degree angle) , 6+4, 6+4

0d     Hanging Bow                                15s, 15s, 15s


1a     Foot elevated ring fly              10, 10, 10, 8, 6
 5+2+3, 4+3+3, 4+3+3, 2+2(f)+1(f), 1(f)+1(f)
- Boom these still suck, but they are awesome.

1b     Plate Hold                                45s, 45s, 45s, 30s, 30s
- 45s, 43, 44, 30, 30
- Used a ~10 kg 2x4 with a metal backing. Felt stronger at these this time

1c     Front facing ring dip                 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8
- 7, 6, 5, 4(f)+2, 3(f)+3

**Note:Again had to break this up into two. Did other half in the evening

2a     HSPU against wall                        12, 10, 8
- 8+4, 5+4, 3+2+1(f)
2b     One arm Push-ups                   5, 5, 5
- 5, 5, 5 (on each arm. Alternate starting arm)
- Same way as last time.

3a     Regular Push-ups                    max, max, max
- 14, 9, 8
- Elbows at side and chest to deck, pause at bottom. Ya, I suck huge balls at push ups

3b     Bar dips                                   max, max, max
- 10, 8, 7
- Done like dinner

Cool Down:
4a     Hanging Bow                    30s, 30s, 30s
-oops only did 15 sec

4b     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Twist, Wall Walk, Triceps

Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 4: Lower Body-Strength

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     Samson Lunge [1-5-1]                   3, 3, 3
0b     Cossack w/weight                          5, 5, 5
-done with 8kg KB. These felt amazing, need to do more of them. Felt like someone was cracking open my pelvis. Challenging enough at this weight and tempo, just getting into position is fun times for me.
0c     Wall Squats      [2-3-2]                   10, 8, 6  
0d     Hip Mob.                                       20s, 30s, 30s            

1a     Dead-lift          10// 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-10x40 kg, 5x70kg, 5x80kg, 5x85kg, 5x90kg, 5x95kg
-Man, been a long time since I did deads. Eventhough I still have a frozen-ass spine it is definitely less than when I was in the haydays of Xfit. Probably explains why I used to be able to pull 5x130kg. Really focused on form, straight back, retracted scaps.
1b     Bow Hang       10s…
- Yup these were hard, but I'm getting better.

2a     Lunge [1-3-1]                 12, 12, 12
-Done with 20 kg KBs in each hand. Tempo made these really challenging
2b     Lateral Lunge  [1-3-1]    12, 12, 12
-Thought I knew what these were, but turned out that my idea was just a Cossack. So I did those anyways, as I really enjoyed them in the warm up. Did first two sets at 8 kg and the last at 12 kg (onlyi managed 11 reps)

3a     Stretch:
Adductors, Calves, IT/Glutes, Glutes/QLs, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Quads   

-Did this on Saturday, today is Monday and I am fucking sore. My hamstrings + glutes are ready to explode. Really good workout.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 3: Upper Body-Pull

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     TGU                                             3, 3, 3
-3,3,3 done with 0.5 pood. Kept weight low as it was for warmup
0b     Snatch                                          3-8, 3-8, 3-8

- 8x20 kg, 8x30kg, 6x30 kg
- Did power snatches...been a long time since I did these.

0c     Hanging Bow                               15s, 15s, 15s
- Did 15s german hang first, then 15s hanging bow

0d     Wall Walk                                     3, 3, 3
-Yup, I still suck at these. Was arms length away from the wall

*All of 1 and 2 done on 3 meter long rings
1a     Archer Pull                                   5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 5, 5, 3+1, 4
-found myself with a bit more of a swing in later rounds as I was fatiguing
1b     Weighted Pull-up                         5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 4, 3+1, 3+1
-these kicked my ass. Used 8kg pood. I am a pussy.
1c     Muscle up/lever eggbeater            3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Do a muscle up, lower to lever, mount back to support… repeat.

-Ummm ya. Tried to do these. I must be missing something, because it felt impossible (or I am just really weak, which also seems likely). Transition from front lever to support...not sure how to do this. Maybe I was confused, I am supposed to just go to a full hang after the lever and then do another MU? Anyways, I ended doing Front Lever pulls, cause they seems close to what you described. Focused on keeping my scaps retracted, made them a lot harder than usual.

2a     One arm lock-off static                15s, 15s, 15s
*If you can not do one arm locks, then triple the time and do two arm holds.
- Holy crap, I thought I could do these for sure. FAIL. Two are lock off with Lsit instead, 30 sec each.
2b     Archer Press                               3, 3, 3
-2/side, 2, 2
-Not sure if I did these correct. Went to bottom of dip position, then brought a single arm out to a straight position, i.e. a half cross.

*Totally smoked by this point. Had turn down the numbers. I am still a pussy. Done on chin-up bar
3a     Wide Pull-up                              10, 10, 10, 10
-5, 4, 4, 3
3b     Behind the neck pull-up             3, 3, 3, 3

-3, 2, 2, 2

Cool Down:
4a     Band Mob. for shoulder               30s, 30s
- Oh man these felt good. Painful good.
4b     Bow rows                                     5, 5
- 5, 3
- Took this as doing pulls from hang to hanging bow. Focused on scap retraction as usual.

4c     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Triceps
-Found the stretching video on That helped a lot. God I love the pec stretch. I feel like my chest is being cracked open. Have been doing this all day when ever I get a chance.
-Another general workout of destruction. Took me 2 hours start to finish. Hopefully I will a get bit more proficient in the future so I can get the time down to 1.5 hours.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 2: Lower Body-Explosive (April 3)

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     Goblet Squat [2, 5, 1]                          5, 5, 5
- Did this with no weight, seemed correct for warm up
0b     Leg Swing                                          10, 10, 10
0c     Overhead Wall Squats [2, 2, 2]           5, 5, 5
- these were actually awkwardly challanging, as I can't come close to having my back flat against the wall and have arms raised and touching the wall
0d     Ball work on feet                                 30s, 20s, 20s

*There is a range on the plyo work for a reason.  That is because it is expected that you will stop when quality goes down hill.  If you are going a shorter distance or gaining less vertical, stop the set.
1a     Standing jump                    3-5, 5-7, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5, 5
1b     Long jump                         3-5, 5-7, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5, 5
1c     Box jump Rebound            3-5, 5-7. 3-5, 3-5
-5, 7, 5, 3
-These actually quite challenging. Eventually got the hang of it though. Done on ~ 24" box

2a     Lateral Jump                      3-5, 3-5, 3-5
-5, 4, 5
2b     Triple Jump                       3-5, 3-5, 3-5
-4, 4, 3
-Ya, was totally sure what to do here. Just took a small run the did a traditional triple jump. Man, I felt pretty un-althletic doing these. The last jump always felt awkward.
2c     One Leg Squat                  5, 5, 5
- 5/4+1 (left/right), 2+2/3+2 (right/left), 2+2/1+1 (left/right)
- much stronger on left than right as usual. Done using a waist height beam for support. Tried to push as little as possible using hand. (Just for reference, I can do a single un-supported single leg squat on my left leg and none on my right.)

3a     PNF Hamstrings               30s, 30s
3b     PNF Standing Split          30s, 30s
3c     Row                                  500m>4:00min, 250m>1:00min
- 500m @ 2:32....tried to go slower. Focused on posture and keeping scaps retracted. Damper set at 3.
- 250m @ 1:02

4a     Stretch:
Calves, Glutes, Hip Flexors, Hamstrings, Quads, Adductors
-Again, bunch of random stretches total ~ 15 min