Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 4: Lower body strength

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     Samson Lunge [1-5-1]                   3, 3, 3
0b     Cossack w/weight                          5, 5, 5
-done with 8kg KB.
0c     Wall Squats      [2-3-2]                   10, 8, 6  
Did with wooden dowel
0d     Hip Mob.                                       20s, 30s, 30s            

1a     Dead-lift          10// 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-10x40 kg, 5x70kg, 5x75kg, 5x80kg, 5x85kg, 5x90kg
-A little bit less weight than last time. Lower back feeling a bit unstable...might have stretched at little too aggressively the last few sessions. Also right hamstring feels slightly tweaked.

1b     Bow Hang       10s…

2a     Lunge [1-3-1]                 12, 12, 12
-Done with 20 kg KBs in each hand.
2b     Lateral Lunge  [1-3-1]    12, 12, 12
-Done at 8 kg. Did Cossacks again, damn I love them

3a     Stretch:
Adductors, Calves, IT/Glutes, Glutes/QLs, Glutes, Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Quads   

1 comment:

  1. Tweaked hamstrings and a lack of stability sounds bad. Not sure where this came from. Remember that stretching is either a) relaxing the muscle and gaining range of movement through the muscle units turning off and actually allowing you to move... or b) a sequence of creating tension in a muscle in a stretched position and then relaxing it to gain more ROM.
    You should never try to force a stretch.
