Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 3: Upper Body-Pull

Movement Prep/Warm-up:

0a     TGU                                             3, 3, 3
-3,3,3 done with 0.5 pood. Kept weight low as it was for warmup
0b     Snatch                                          3-8, 3-8, 3-8

- 8x20 kg, 8x30kg, 6x30 kg
- Did power snatches...been a long time since I did these.

0c     Hanging Bow                               15s, 15s, 15s
- Did 15s german hang first, then 15s hanging bow

0d     Wall Walk                                     3, 3, 3
-Yup, I still suck at these. Was arms length away from the wall

*All of 1 and 2 done on 3 meter long rings
1a     Archer Pull                                   5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 5, 5, 3+1, 4
-found myself with a bit more of a swing in later rounds as I was fatiguing
1b     Weighted Pull-up                         5, 5, 5, 5, 5
-5, 4, 3+1, 3+1
-these kicked my ass. Used 8kg pood. I am a pussy.
1c     Muscle up/lever eggbeater            3, 3, 3, 3, 3
*Do a muscle up, lower to lever, mount back to support… repeat.

-Ummm ya. Tried to do these. I must be missing something, because it felt impossible (or I am just really weak, which also seems likely). Transition from front lever to support...not sure how to do this. Maybe I was confused, I am supposed to just go to a full hang after the lever and then do another MU? Anyways, I ended doing Front Lever pulls, cause they seems close to what you described. Focused on keeping my scaps retracted, made them a lot harder than usual.

2a     One arm lock-off static                15s, 15s, 15s
*If you can not do one arm locks, then triple the time and do two arm holds.
- Holy crap, I thought I could do these for sure. FAIL. Two are lock off with Lsit instead, 30 sec each.
2b     Archer Press                               3, 3, 3
-2/side, 2, 2
-Not sure if I did these correct. Went to bottom of dip position, then brought a single arm out to a straight position, i.e. a half cross.

*Totally smoked by this point. Had turn down the numbers. I am still a pussy. Done on chin-up bar
3a     Wide Pull-up                              10, 10, 10, 10
-5, 4, 4, 3
3b     Behind the neck pull-up             3, 3, 3, 3

-3, 2, 2, 2

Cool Down:
4a     Band Mob. for shoulder               30s, 30s
- Oh man these felt good. Painful good.
4b     Bow rows                                     5, 5
- 5, 3
- Took this as doing pulls from hang to hanging bow. Focused on scap retraction as usual.

4c     Stretch:
Lats, Pecs, Anterior Delt, Posterior Delt, Rhomboids, Triceps
-Found the stretching video on That helped a lot. God I love the pec stretch. I feel like my chest is being cracked open. Have been doing this all day when ever I get a chance.
-Another general workout of destruction. Took me 2 hours start to finish. Hopefully I will a get bit more proficient in the future so I can get the time down to 1.5 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Muscle Up-Lever:
    Keep your false grip throughout both movements. That is the biggest trick to these.

    One Arm Lock-Off:
    Try spotting yourself on the back of your own arm, that way your point of contact is just one hand, but you have the advantage of being able to pull with both hands.

    Archer Pree:
    I usually do essentially the opposite of what you did. I pull up on the rings and then press one arm away from me. Bring it back in. Press out the other side, return and then lower for one rep.

    Bow Rows:
    I go into a hanging bow and then try and touch my sternum to the bar.
